MaCDA South Sudan | Project Details

Seasonal Scaleup Response

Funded By: UN FAO
Managed By: MaCDA

MaCDA was doing seasonal scaleup response through support of UN FAO to distribute crop seeds, vegetable seeds, and fishing kits to Internally Displaced Persons and Residents in Bungu and Ganji respectively.

Project Beneficiaries

IDPs and Residents

Project Successes and achievements

1. Distribution of vegetables seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits to 130 beneficiaries in Bungu Payam.
2. Distribution of vegetables seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits to 213 beneficiaries in Belle Payam
3. Distribution of vegetables seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits to 150 beneficiaries in Kwojik Payam
4. Distribution of vegetables seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits to 95 beneficiaries in Ganji Payam
5. Distribution of vegetables seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits to 93 beneficiaries in Kulipa Payam
6. Distribution of vegetables seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits to 152 beneficiaries in Kagwada